Save Energy
The Junior Wing (Morning Shift) organized an assembly on “Save Energy”, emphasizing the importance o…
The Junior Wing (Morning Shift) organized an assembly on “Save Energy”, emphasizing the importance o…
APS&C DCI Junior wing Evening Session* Embarked students of grade 3 on an inspiring journey through …
Preschool 2nd Session Assembly Topic Hungry Caterpillar Class Pre 1 Pink…
The Junior Wing, APSIS organized an Arts and Science Exhibition, celebrating students’ creativity an…
The inauguration of the sports ground at APS DCI Boys Wing was a vibrant celebration of sportsmanshi…
Students created personalized New Year’s Resolution cards and jars, reflecting on their goals and as…
A captivating competition was organized for Grade 2, where students…
Drama Competition Evening Session Preschool The curtains drew open, and our little stars shone brigh…
Preschool Evening Session Assembly Topic : Quaid’s Day Class Pre 1 Brown…
Today, we celebrate the birth of our beloved national leader, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. His …
The session focused on raising awareness about the importance of wearing warm clothing during winter…
ICATS Certificates of Achievement were presented to all participants, recognizing their tireless eff…
Snapshots from Community Services Week by Middle Wing Boys Campus showcasing a range of impactful ac…
On Saturday, it was a momentous day in the history of APS & C-DCI as we hosted our High Achievers Ce…
Experiment Title: To check calcium…
As part of our Community Week celebrations, our grade 9 students from senior wing Girls Campus parti…
As part of Community Week celebrations, the senior wing girls…
Creating a project on structure of earth helps to visualize and comprehend the complex layers and pr…
Preschool Evening Session Assembly Topic: Modes of Transportation Class EYS 2 Purple and EYS 2 Pink…
our Senior Wing Girls from Grade 9 presented an informative morning assembly on the importance of a…
مقابلہ بحث و مباحثہ کا انعقاد کی کچھ تصویریں جھلکیاں۔ اس مقابلے کا مقصد نہ صرف شرکاء کی عوامی تقریر …
Junior Wing (Morning Shift) CCA Inter-Class English Competition Grade 1 and 2 students demonstrated …
The students of APS DCI Middle Wing Girls’ Campus organized a thought-provoking assembly to commemor…
The APS DCI Middle Wing Girls’ Campus hosted a thought-provoking Debate and Speech Competition, show…
Middle Wing Boys conducted a morning assembly in which House of Discipline took charge by sharing Iq…
Preschool Afternoon Assembly Topic: Cleanliness is Half Faith Class Pre 1 Yellow…
As part of the Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (FBISE) initiative, and as per …
Celebrating the exuberant spirit of Middle Wing Boys as they organized Children’s Day…
“On a bright and cheerful morning, the Middle Wing Girls’ Section presented a…
First year boys delivered informative presentations on the chapter “Animalia”…
Students of Middle Wing Boys actively participated in various activities…
“Science in action! Exploring the periodic table like pros! 🧪📊 Our 1st-year boys rocked their chemis…
During the school assembly, the distribution of certificates is a moment of pride and recognition fo…
APS & C DCI proudly celebrated the birth anniversary of the revered Poet of the East, Allama Muhamma…
Preschool Morning Assembly Tribute to our National poet Allama Mohammad Iqbal…
The Junior Wing (Morning Shift) organized a heartfelt Assembly, paying tribute to the visionary poet…
Preschool Morning Assembly Topic: Save the trees Save the life Class EYS 2 Orange…
Capturing moments of collaboration and leadership in action: Students Council Middle Wing Boys engag…
Following an arduous schedule owing to the first term examinations,…
Assembly topic: Safety Rules Junior wing (Morning shift ) Apsis conducted an engaging assembly on Sa…
Assembly topic : Moral Values The Junior Wing (Morning Shift) held an inspiring assembly on Moral Va…
Preschool Morning Assembly Topic: Solar System class Pre 1 Orange…
The junior wing ( Morning Shift)students organized an educational assembly, emphasizing…
Our Junior Wing students organized a lively and educational assembly on the theme “Eat Healthy, Stay…
our school witnessed a momentous occasion – The Investiture Ceremony, where our newly elected studen…
Our Middle Wing Girls Campus conducted an inspiring assembly to mark this special day, with the mott…
Assembly by Middle Wing Boys Campus Topic : Health And Hygiene…
First Parent-Teacher Meeting of Grade XI APS DCI Senior Wing Girls Campus hosted its first PTM for G…
Word Chain Activity by Junior Wing Morning Session…
Today, APS & C DCI proudly celebrated Defence Day of Pakistan. The program began with recitation and…
Check out the amazing projects from our junior students(morning session) at the school exhibition!…
students at APS &C DCI Girls Wing Campus had Deputy Head Girl election, and it was an exciting event…
Unity in every note, pride in every voice! The melody of patriotism still resonates! Enjoy the vibr…
Unity in every note, pride in every voice! The melody of patriotism still resonates! Enjoy the vibr…
Environment awareness and tree plantation week APSIS Junior Wing Morning Girls Campus…
Environment awareness and tree plantation week Middle Wing Boys Campus…
Army Public Schools Defense complex Islamabad, organized a plantation activity. It involves students…
On Saturday, August 24th, APS & C DCI senior wing Girls & Boys Campus held a successful Parent-Teach…
“Today, our preschool celebrated Green Color Day with great enthusiasm! The students came dressed…
Speaker Club activity by celebrating in Independence Week. Junior Wing Morning Session…
The program featured patriotic songs and poems, showcasing the children’s understanding of the count…
The program began with recitation and translation, followed by an inspiring speech and a captivatin…
APS & C DCI celebrated the 77th Independence Day with national pride and enthusiasm.…
“Welcome Back! Today, APS & C- DCI welcomed back the students after a long and refreshing summer bre…
Interactive Session on Tarbiyat program for parents, led by Maj.Gen.Muhammad Asim Iqbal.…
On the final day of the character building workshop, participants presented their developed characte…
Mej Gernal Muhammad Asim Iqbal’s goodbye talk had a lasting impact on the hearts and minds of studen…
The second day of the Tarbiyat program, hosted by APSDCI, was a motivating and engaging event for te…
The first day of the Tarbiyat program conducted by APSDCI was an inspiring and engaging experience f…
Every year on February 5th, Kashmir Solidarity Day is commemorated throughout Pakistan. To…
اے پی ایس۔ ڈی سی آئی نے 14 نومبر 2023 کو ایک خوبصورت بزم کا انعقاد کیا ” بزم ترویج اردو ” اس بزم میں…
A school’s Investiture Ceremony is a significant event where it assigns tasks and obligations to its…
A seerat un-Nabi conference has been organized by APS-DCI to spread the teachings of Hazrat Muhammad…
Visiting the army museum was a profoundly captivating and enlightening journey. The students were im…
On this International Peace Day, APS-DCI School organized various activities like presentation, post…
High achievers’ ceremony for the session 2022-23 was held on Friday 15th September, 2023 to acknowle…
Beyond just being a date on the calendar, Independence Day has greater meaning. It’s a joyful occasi…
Pakistan’s Defence Day, which is observed annually on September 6th, is a striking representation of…
Pakistan Resolution Day was celebrated in APS DCI on 22nd March 2023. A series of competitions incl…
February 5 symbolises Pakistan’s deep rooted relationship with Kashmir. To mark the Kashmir Solidar…
On 17th January 2023, Quaid’s day was celebrated with patriotic fervor and spirit. Quiz and speech c…
APS DCI organized an auspicious event, the first of its kind i.e Diamond jubilee celebrations of Pak…
The program formally commenced with the Recitation and its Translation. The whole school participate…
APS DCI celebrated 17th foundation day of APSAC system. APSAC system was established on 3rd of Octob…
On 8 th October, 2022 students of APS DCI arranged a bake sale on PTM to raise funds for the flood p…
As Year 2022 marks the 75th Anniversary of Pakistan, APS DCI organized inter school competitions to …